Gum treatment

At Dr. Imanava De, we recognize the crucial role that healthy gums play in achieving and maintaining optimal oral health. Our Gum Treatment services are tailored to address various gum-related concerns, promoting the well-being of your gums and enhancing the overall beauty of your smile.

Importance of Gum Health

Healthy gums are the foundation of a strong and beautiful smile. Gum issues, such as gingivitis or periodontal disease, can lead to discomfort, inflammation, and even tooth loss if left untreated. Our Gum Treatment services are designed to provide comprehensive care for your gums, ensuring their vitality and longevity.

Our Gum Treatment Services

Comprehensive Gum Evaluation

We initiate our Gum Treatment with a thorough examination of your gums, checking for signs of inflammation, recession, or other periodontal issues. This evaluation serves as the basis for creating a personalized treatment plan.


Scaling and Root Planing

For individuals with early signs of gum disease, we often recommend scaling and root planing. This deep cleaning procedure removes plaque and tartar from below the gumline, promoting gum health and preventing the progression of periodontal disease.

Gum Disease Management

Our experienced team specializes in managing various stages of gum disease. We develop targeted treatment plans to alleviate inflammation, restore gum health, and prevent further damage to the supporting structures of your teeth.

Pocket Reduction Surgery

In more advanced cases, where pockets have formed between the gums and teeth, pocket reduction surgery may be recommended. This procedure aims to reduce pocket depths, eliminating hiding places for bacteria and promoting gum attachment.


Soft Tissue Grafting

For patients with receding gums, we offer soft tissue grafting to restore gum tissue and improve aesthetics. This procedure not only addresses cosmetic concerns but also helps prevent tooth sensitivity and further gum recession.